With exclusive photography created by the most talented contributors across the globe, Ombra manifests different expressions of beauty, sensuality and human nature.
Good photographers try to be prepared for almost any contingency. Unfortunately, if you tried to carry everything you’d need to meet every contingency in the field, you’d have to pack like a Bedouin trader.
Many times that simply isn’t possible and other times it’s not desirable. So the seasoned photographer learns to be resourceful.
When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.
In all but the most extreme lighting situations a monopod can substitute nicely for a tripod and is a lot easier to carry. With practice you’ll be able to hold a monopod nearly as stable as a tripod, for a short time anyway.

Lennie Henderson

Toni Tommie
Many photographers still carry a light meter, even in the days of high end digital SLRs. If you’re packing light you can use a styrofoam cup over the end of your lens and use your camera’s light meter, hold it in place with one of your rubber bands.
Note that cups do come in different thicknesses, so you may want to calibrate yours using the Sunny 16 rule before you leave.
Published in:
The Adventure Handbook, Brick Magazine, The Line Of Best Fit, Creative Review, iGNANT, Crack Magazine, Intern Magazine, Nylon/Popular Magazine.
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General – info@ombra-photography.com
Regarding orders – orders@ombra-photography.com